Let’s Move! Active Schools Welcomes Five New Partners

April 3, 2016
Allison Hoit

lmas-logo..Today, Let’s Move! Active Schools – part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative – and Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD announced a new partnership that will create more Active Schools environments and increase physical education and physical activity opportunities for students across the country.

“As our mission is based on the fact that physical activity is essential for individuals with disability to lead healthy, active and independent lives, we are pleased to join the Let’s Move! Active Schools national collaborative to further the inclusion agenda. We are looking forward to seeing the influential outcomes of this partnership as we mobilize resources for social change in supporting inclusive physical education and physical activity environments.” – Jeff Underwood, President/CEO, Lakeshore Foundation

Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD joins 34 other leading health, education and private sector organizations as part of the Let’s Move! Active Schools national collaborative. These partners work together through the collective impact framework to help schools create Active School environments that provide children with at least 60 minutes of physical activity before, during and after the school day.

Specifically, Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD will support activities focused on inclusive physical education and physical activity environments.

“We are thrilled to team up with Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD,” said Charlene Burgeson, Let’s Move! Active Schools Executive Director. “As a leader in the physical education and physical activity space, Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD will strengthen the Let’s Move! Active Schools national collaborative’s ability to reach and engage schools, ultimately inspiring more educational, fun and sustainable Active School environments.”

By streamlining the selection of programs, resources, professional development and funding opportunities and delivering each school a customized Action Plan, Let’s Move! Active Schools results in students moving for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended 60 minutes a day.

Since its March 2013 launch, more than 17,000 schools in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia have enrolled in Let’s Move! Active Schools, reaching more than 10 million students.

Official Press Release



AASA (The School Superintendents Association), Action for Healthy Kids, Adventure to Fitness, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, ASCD, Athletes for Hope, BOKS, ChildObesity180, Focused Fitness, GenMove USA, GENYOUth Foundation, GoNoodle, Good Sports, Gopher, Kaiser Permanente, KIDS in the GAME, Lakeshore Foundation-NCHPAD, Let’s Move!, Marathon Kids, National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), National PTA, NBA FIT, NIKE, Inc., Partnership for a Healthier America, Polar, President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, S&S Worldwide, SHAPE America, Sportime & SPARK, StandUpKids, UNICEF Kid Power, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USA Track & Field, and Yoga Foster. Find out more at www.letsmoveschools.org.