NACDD Webinar

January 20, 2015
Allison Hoit


General Member Webinar: January 22, 2015 at 2:00 pm CT


The Untold Health Equity: The Commit to Inclusion and the Guidelines to Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Programs and Policies

People with disabilities are showing the highest levels of health inequity, likely because of lack of inclusion in health promotion programs. This webinar will cover the newly introduced Guidelines to Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Programs and Policies and the Commit to Inclusion campaign that promotes the Guidelines. The Guidelines were created with an expert panel using criteria to qualify each guideline. They are intended for any organization that provides physical activity nutrition, or obesity programs or policies.

Lewis Kraus –
Amy Rauworth –

Lewis Kraus is the Deputy Director of the Center on Disability at PHI. Kraus led the development of the guidelines for disability inclusion in physical activity, nutrition, and obesity programs and policies for NCHPAD. Previously, Mr. Kraus produced the Report on the Applicability to People with Disabilities of the Guide to Community Preventive Services for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that showed the disability gaps in national prevention guidance.

Amy Rauworth is the Director of Policy and Public Affairs for the Lakeshore Foundation as well as the Associate Director of the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD). Ms. Rauworth leads the content development, synthesis and training within NCHPAD and directs the coordination of the Inclusive Fitness Coalition which consists of over 220 organizations seeking to improve inclusive physical activity options within all communities across the United States.

This webinar is hosted by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD):