CARA National Adapted Physical Activity Centre


The CARA National Adapted Physical Activity Centre is a national organisation in Ireland with responsibility for coordinating, facilitating and advocating for the inclusion of people with disabilities in Sport, Physical Activity and Physical Education.


  1. Increased Participation Opportunities – achieved by coordinating and supporting the National Sports Inclusion Disability Programme implemented within the Local Sports Partnerships.
  2. Training and Education – achieved by coordinating, facilitating, developing and promoting cost effective training and education workshops for coaches/instructors/teachers/para-educators/leisure professionals and students on the inclusion of people with disabilities in Sport, Physical Activity and Physical Education. This is achieved through the development of a
  3. Information and Promotion – achieved by providing information and advice on opportunities for people with disabilities to participate through: The promotion of the Local Sports Partnership Sports Inclusion Disability Programme and programmes within all agencies involved in the provision of sport, physical activity and physical education for people with disabilities. Design of the CARAFOCUS National Adapted Physical Activity Newsletter to highlight opportunities and events for people with disabilities within the sport and physical activity sector. National Inclusion Awards aimed at highlighting and acknowledging good practice with respect to provision in sport and physical activity for people with disabilities.
  4. National Inclusive Training and Education Framework
  5. Advocacy and Policy Development – achieved by advocating for the inclusion of people with disabilities and support developments of inclusive local and national sports and physical activity policies.
  6. Research – Achieved through our partnership with the UNESCO Chair at IT Tralee by coordinating, supporting and undertaking meaningful research in relation to the participation of people with disabilities in sport, physical activity and physical education.

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