

Coarc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are the Columbia County Chapter of NYSARC, Inc. which is America’s largest nonprofit organization supporting people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families since 1949. NYSARC is the New York State Chapter of The Arc.

Our Mission is to expand abilities, one person at a time, so individuals experiencing disabilities can achieve their individual goals.

Our Vision is to be an ethical organization that is a part of a society that recognizes people with different degrees of abilities as full contributing members of their community.


Coarc is founded on 6 Beliefs that ensure that we will commit to inclusion:

We respect CHOICE and support individuals in expanding their abilities and determining the direction of their own lives.

We recognize our COMMUNITY as a resource for expanding opportunities and enriching individuals’ lives through the sharing of common values and interests.

We achieve healthier attitudes, broader understanding, and greater individual and organizational success through the use of TEAMWORK.

We rely upon effective COMMUNICATION created by listening without judging and the open exchange of ideas throughout all levels in the organization.

We recognize the value gained from the learning experience, especially when people are EMPOWERED and given the tools and support needed to expand their abilities and realize their goals.

We recognize and value WELLNESS, promoting healthier lifestyles that foster overall happiness and improve the quality of life for everyone in the community.

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