FIZIKA GROUP, LLC is a professional development firm that specializes in the creation and distribution of products and services that enable active learning. Fizika Active Learning (SM) is an evidence-based approach that helps educators, administrators and parents incorporate movement into the learning process, in order to improve academic achievement and health outcomes.
FIZIKA GROUP was founded in 2009 by two accomplished entrepreneurs with experience in health and physical education – Martha Lester Harris, MPA and Michael J. Cordier, HED. Fizika aims to help educators apply emerging research in educational neuroscience and the importance of physical activity to brain development, through the application of Fizika Active Learning.
I started Fizika Group because my intellectually disabled daughter was not included in regular PE. She lacks the coordination and motor planning skills to participate in sports and most physical activities. At Fizika, we aim to engage all learners through physical movement, healthy nutrition and compassionate understanding. We support I Can Do It, You Can Do It as the means to ensure that more people – like my daughter – are not left behind in the physical activity/healthy lifestyle equation. -Martha Lester Harris, President/Founder
What does Fizika Mean?
Fizika is a term from Esperanto (the universal language) (pronounced Fí-zé-ka) that means physical activity, movement and motivation. We aim to prove that Fizika means Active Learning.
Fizika will strive to include the principles and protocols of Commit to Inclusion and the I Can Do It, You Can Do It program in our training of Health and PE professionals, classroom teachers, principals and educational advocates nationwide.
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