
The I Can Do It, You Can Do It! (ICDI) Advocate partnership program recognizes the importance of working with a variety of sectors to improve access for people of all backgrounds and abilities to participate in physical activity, sports, and recreation opportunities.  We invite organizations and individuals to join us in our work supporting the mission of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition (PCFSN), which is to engage, educate, and empower all Americans across the lifespan to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition.

The Goal:

The goal of the ICDI Advocates Program is to increase the number of opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to lead a healthy, active lifestyle where they live, learn and play. To accomplish this goal, PCFSN is calling on stakeholders in schools and school districts, colleges and universities, and other community entities such as faith-based organizations, rehabilitation facilities, physical therapy clinics and community health centers to sign up to be an ICDI Advocate.

ICDI Advocates are stakeholders who 1) are currently implementing or would like to establish a health promotion program for children and/or adults with disabilities in a school-, college and university-, or other community-based setting (ICDI Site); or 2) can use their own communication channels and other infrastructure to amplify the messaging of the ICDI Program and encourage others to sign up to support the initiative (ICDI Communicator).

What are the benefits to becoming an ICDI Advocate?

•    Use of the ICDI and Presidential Active Lifestyle Award Plus (PALA+) logos
•    Free ICDI orientation and training modules
•    Template press release to announce partnership
•    Assistance with developing an ICDI Communicator strategy
•    Awards featuring the signature of the President of the United States
•    Personalized feedback and assistance on implementing or establishing an ICDI Site

Sign Up to Become an ICDI Advocate!

ICDI offers recognition through the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+). The program includes resources to keep participants engaged in leading a healthy lifestyle. The President’s Council encourages organizations to join the I Can Do It, You Can Do It! team to help improve the health and fitness of people with disabilities.  You can do this by signing up to become an ICDI Advocate.


ICDI is a mentoring program that uses an individualized approach to encourage regular physical activity and good nutrition for children and adults with disabilities. ICDI Sites implement the eight-week health promotion program in which mentors are paired with mentees. They meet on a weekly basis to set activity and healthy eating goals, and to participate in physical, sport, recreation, and/or healthy eating activities. Each week, mentors and mentees work together to earn recognition for their efforts by tracking activity and healthy eating goals using the PALA+. For more information on ICDI please visit: www.fitness.gov.


ICDI uses the President’s Challenge Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program to recognize participants who complete the program. PALA+ is a program of the President’s Challenge that is designed to motivate Americans to make physical activity and healthy eating a part of their daily lives. The physical activity requirements for PALA+ (based on level of ability) are 60 minutes/day for children and 30 minutes/day for adults, five days a week for at least six of eight weeks. The nutrition component of PALA+ requires participants to set weekly healthy eating goals, and build upon those goals throughout the same time period. ICDI participants who meet their goals and complete the program will earn a PALA+ certificate signed by the President of the United States. For more information on PALA+ please visit: www.presidentschallenge.org.