

Motivation’s vision is of a world in which disabled people are included and can fully participate in all aspects of life.

Our programme work focuses on Survival, Mobility, Empowerment and Inclusion, which enables us to offer a holistic approach to improving the quality of life of disabled people. Not only do our projects support people with their health and mobility, but we are committed to developing the confidence, self-esteem and practical knowledge of disabled people so that they can advocate for their rights and fight discrimination. We also use sport as a tool to empower individuals and challenge negative perceptions of disability. This is key to promoting more inclusive communities where disabled people are valued and can fulfil their potential.


Further, all of our programmes are developed with disabled people at their heart. We listen to what disabled people living in some of the world’s poorest countries tell us are the most pressing issues and challenges, and we include them in the development, implementation and evaluation of all activities.

Our President is himself a wheelchair user, as are many of the people that we employ both in the UK and overseas. This means that we are committed to running an inclusive organisation that puts disability at its core, influencing policy, strategy and development.

And we are committed to sharing our passion and expertise for inclusion by working in collaboration with global NGO’s, local disability organisations, governments, schools and the private sector to build more inclusive and equal communities, that support disabled people to go to school, get jobs and participate fully in society.

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