White House Easter Egg Roll

April 3, 2015
Allison Hoit

On Monday, April 6th, 2015, the First Family will host the 137th annual White House Easter Egg Roll.  More than 35,000 people will gather on the South Lawn to join in the celebrations. Keeping history alive, the event will feature sports and fitness zones, cooking demonstrations, and Easter classics such as the egg roll and egg hunt, live music and storytelling. In addition to all of the fun, the day’s activities will encourage children to lead healthy, active lives in support of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative.  This year’s Easter Egg Roll theme is “#GimmeFive,” challenging families across the nation to show the First Lady five ways they’re leading healthier lives.  For more information go to: https://www.whitehouse.gov/eastereggroll.


Stay tuned to see what #InclusionMeans for families who will be on the South Lawn!

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